Join our group on Wednesday mornings at 8:45am, to pray the rosary, including some intercessory prayer and read and discuss the upcoming Sunday readings.
On July 1, 2022, Archbishop Schnurr inaugurated a new chapter for Our Lady of the Visitation, St. Joseph and St. Jude parishes by bringing us together as a "new family of parishes." CLICK TITLE TO READ MORE...
Unfortunately, cases of Covid 19 have risen dramatically in the state of Ohio over the last several weeks. We are taking some measures again as a church to attempt to limit the spread of this virus. CLICK TITLE TO READ MORE...
Join in the Novena to St. Joseph from Wednesday, March 10 through Thursday, March 18, asking his intercession in preparation for the Solemn Feast of St. Joseph on March 19. CLICK TITLE FOR MORE DETAILS...
We are now in the special year of devotion to St. Joseph ,as announced by Pope Francis. Since St. Joseph is the patron saint of our parish, Fr. Umberg asked to designate our church as a shrine of St. Joseph for this year. CLICK TITLE to read more...
Father Andrew Umberg has dictated this novena for the Year of St. Joseph. It includes open prayers and daily prayers to Saint Joseph that may serve as your reflection or meditation for each day of the novena. CLICK TITLE for the full novena and the daily reflection / mediation prayers.
Archbishop Schnurr decreed on Jan. 14th, "that for the period of the Holy Year of Saint Joseph... the parish church of Saint Joseph in North Bend, Ohio, be designated as a diocesan shrine"... CLICK TITLE FOR DOC
Officially called "The Epiphany of the Lord," this feast celebrates the epiphany (manifestation) of Christ to the Gentiles, symbolized by Christ's manifestation to the Magi (Wise Men). The feast originally was... CLICK TITLE FOR MORE
During the Year of Saint Joseph, the use of this litany has been "enriched with a plenary indulgence," which may be earned once a day subject to the usual conditions.... CLICK TITLE FOR MORE INFORMATION AND THIS LITANY
The "Holy Family" is a name given to the family unit of Jesus. While the exact details of the life of the Holy Family may be uonknown, we can still learn a lot from the stories we do have. CLICK TITLE TO LEARN MORE...
Here’s what you need to know about the Year of St. Joseph: Why did the Pope declare a year of St. Joseph? What special graces are available? Why does the Church honor St. Joseph? CLICK TITLE FOR ANSWERS
This prayer was composed by Pope Leo XIII in his 1889 encyclical, "Quamquam pluries." The use of this prayer during the Year of St. Joseph is "enriched with a plenary indulgence." CLICK TITLE FOR MORE...
We are offering a new approach to Baptismal preparation that will offer individual consideration for each family. When a family is expecting a baby or has a newborn or young child, we ask that you call the parish office and speak to Marti Barnes, our Pastoral Associate. After giving her some preliminary information, a time to meet for the preparation session can be scheduled at everyone’s convenience. CLICK TITLE FOR MORE DETAILS
Please join your friends and fellow parishioners for a fun afternoon. Please contact Tony Bresser at 513-473-8444 if interested in getting a team together for this great fundraiser. Cost $85.00 a person which includes dinner, 18 holes of golf and a cart. Tee time starts at 1:00PM. You can register online by clicking on the WeShare icon on the right hand side of this Home page, or click on the title above for the flyer.