Parish Pastoral Council
The purpose of the Parish Pastoral Council is to counsel the pastor and staff in developing goals and program that carry out the parish’s Pastoral Plan; to foster dialogue among the clergy, administration, and people of the parish; and to broaden their understanding of the parish and its operation. The Parish Pastoral Council consists of seven voting members and each member serves a term of three years. The Pastor and some or all of the parish staff and commissions meet with the Council but do not vote. The parish community elects the at-large council members. The functions of the Parish Pastoral Council are as follows:
- represent all the people of the parish and their collective wisdom and prayerfully discern the needs of the parish community
- recommend pastoral priorities and goals for the parish according to its needs—spiritual, social, temporal—and the means available to meet those needs
- assist the pastor in delegating responsibilities to appropriate commissions, committees, and parish organizations
- provide for communication, coordination, and cooperation among the commissions and committees of the council, the organizations in the parish, and the parishioners
- review priorities periodically and evaluate their relationship and relevance to the mission of the parish and to annually set goals and objectives. The Parish Pastoral Council meets monthly except for the summer months and a minimum of ten times a year. Meetings are limited to two hours. The June meeting is a social and a time to celebrate the contributions of outgoing members and welcome new members. The Council year begins in September.
Council meetings are open for parishioners to observe. Parishioners can submit agenda items to Council members. Council members also solicit input from parishioners.
Finance Council
All financial needs, resources, and budgeting are studied and reported by the Finance Council. Reports and recommendations are presented to the pastor for appropriate action
Building and Grounds Committee The Building and Grounds committee meets periodically to review the long-term maintenance needs of the parish plant. The committee studies how to make best use of available space for current needs and how to make our facilities safer and more comfortable for those who use them. The committee studies the physical grounds of the parish property, including exterior and interior needs of the buildings. Reports and recommendations are presented to the Parish Pastoral Committee and the Finance Committee for appropriate action.
Worship Committee
The Worship committee assists the pastor and staff in setting the goals and direction for the liturgical life of the parish. The committee, with the pastor and staff, serves as an evaluation body whose purpose it is to see that the spiritual needs of the parish are met. The concerns include church environment, music, worship space, acoustics. as well as the celebration of the Mass, sacraments, prayer services, and the spiritual life of the parish. The committee assists the pastor and staff in achieving meaningful liturgical celebrations.
Communications Committee
The Communications Committee delivers news and activities of the building process to the parish; develops and maintains the parish website, provides input for the weekly bulletin, and helps parishioners to become more knowledgeable about parish activities.